查看完整版本: 達拉然已飛離諾森德?
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pete0083 發表於 2012-12-16 03:27 PM


本文來源于NGACN,作者 :_qianye_原文地址:http://nga.178.com/read.php?tid=5832519 。
故事是這樣的,前几條國外論壇上有人問了個事:  Oh! By the way, at the end where Aethas and Rommath jump onto dragonhawks and fly away, did anyone else notice a lack of any sign what-so-ever of Crystalsong Forest? Do we put this down to graphics, or has Dalaran moved from Northrend now, perhaps to sit over the sea somewhere?
大意是5.1達拉然任務中,玩家在城市外圍的景色中看不到晶歌森林的景象,難道達拉然已經飛離諾森德,到了某水域上? 有人也發現了同樣的問題:  I was thinking the same, no mountain ranges anywhere。 I'd just assume dalaran is floating over somewhere, just not clarified where。
好吧 如果這樣的話,推測下達拉然目前位置以及最終目的如何?

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