
結果: 找到 「kurt」 相關內容 5 個

  • 光榮碼頭 Kurt Wenner 3D立體街頭繪畫(高雄人又多了一個遊憩的好地點啦^++++^)

    4 個評論 - 353 次查看 - 50 熱度

    相傳在高雄地底下,有一座黃金打造的海洋龍宮。 這座龍宮,位於深入地底2000公尺的深海中,每隔千年會從天界與人界的交會處(俗稱時空交會處)浮出,有福德的人親眼所見,必能富貴百年。若以現今google地圖的來探查,這座傳說中的海洋龍宮,正位於光榮碼頭附近, ...

    2010-5-11 01:44 PM - haupy

  • 二十一世紀少有的爵士男伶─Kurt Elling庫特.艾靈

    0 個評論 - 148 次查看 - 0 熱度

    二十一世紀少有的爵士男伶─ Kurt Elling 庫特.艾靈   2010 年 1 月 31 日 於美國洛杉磯的斯台普斯中心舉行的第 52 屆格萊美獎頒獎典禮上,最佳爵士演唱專輯出現了少有的男性得獎者,就是這位被平面媒體奉為當今美國最炙手可熱的 ...

    2010-4-17 05:17 PM - ajames82000

  • Kurtz: Exploring the scene at octuplets' house

    0 個評論 - 4 次查看 - 0 熱度

    By the time it was over, someone had called 911 to have the high-profile attorney ejected, she was in a war of words over the level of care for Nadya Suleman's babies, and Dr. Phil was bowing out of his role in the tangled case. Allred will be on " ...

    2009-3-28 02:27 PM - fave0124

  • Kurtz: Exploring the scene at octuplets' house

    0 個評論 - 7 次查看 - 0 熱度

    - Gloria Allred was at the octuplet mom's house when the confrontation began. Nadya Suleman, mother of octuplets and six other children, has courted media attention, Howard Kurtz says. By the time it was over, someone h ...

    2009-3-28 01:56 PM - fave0124
